Sven Computer Wiki


Articial Intelligence (AI) seeks to understand the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior, with a particular focus on their embodiment in machines. Core topics include the integrating perspective of intelligent agents and how such systems can engage in: search and problem solving; symbolic and probabilistic knowledge representation and reasoning; planning; and machine learning. The course introduces both basic concepts and algorithms, and explores how to apply these in the construction of systems that can interact intelligently with complex environments.

Target Audience

The course is intended for undergraduate students in computer science or closely related disciplines, usually in their junior year. Graduate students should take CS561 rather than CS360.


Aug 12, 2017 - Contact: Sven Leyffer (see my google calendar for busy times) Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory. Voltron: The Third Dimension was a computer-generated series aired in 1998 and set five years after the end of the original Lion Voltron series. It was released to a mixed response because of its departure from the original Lion Voltron's anime look, as well as some character changes (such as.

The courses CSCI 104L ('Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design') and CSCI 170 ('Discrete Methods in Computer Science') are necessary prerequisites, which will not be waived. Overall, the prerequisites of CS360 include a solid understanding of data structures, algorithms and programming since you will have to be able to understand algorithms and read pseudo code. You should also know the basics of probability theory, calculus (especially derivatives) and other high-school mathematics. Finally, you should know how to program in C/C++ since the projects will use these programming languages. Do not take this class if you cannot program. The most important prerequisite of all, however, is your interest in the class, motivation, and commitment to learning. If you are not sure whether this class is for you, come and talk to us.


Most readings will be chosen from the (required) textbook, which is readily available from many standard online retailers:

The authors made extensive revisions from one edition to the next one. We therefore suggest that you buy the latest edition. Definitely do not use the first edition. We will not cover all of the chapters and, from time to time, cover topics not contained in the book.

Additional material will be provided as necessary.

Class Tools

The class web pages are maintained at The discussion forum is maintained at (you have to join with your email. The pass code for registering is 6127). Scores are posted on Attendance is taken using the Arkaive app (


We will ask you to fill out several questionnaires for different reasons: for example, because we want to learn a bit more about you so that we can tailor the class toward your skills and expectations; because we want to evaluate certain features of the class, and because we want to improve future classes. Filling out the questionnaires is voluntary and anonymous. We hope that you will make use of this opportunity and choose to provide us with feedback. We might use information from the questionnaires in our publications.


The about 80-minutes-long lectures (which sometimes might run a couple of minutes longer) are meant to summarize the readings and stress the important points. Thus, we expect you to read the corresponding part of the textbook before the lectures. We will post the slides directly before the corresponding lectures (see 'Schedule' on the left). We highly encourage you to take notes during the lectures and exercise sessions. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what we discussed in class, including which announcements we made in class. If there is something that you do not understand, feel free to interrupt the lecture or exercise session with questions. Your active participation in class is crucial in making the class successful. Use your colleagues as a resource (they are working toward the same goal as you are), for example, by forming study groups or posting questions on the discussion forum on Piazza that the TAs monitor on a daily basis. (We encourage you to participate actively on the discussion forum, by both asking and answering questions. If you are consistently very active in helping other students on Piazza and - this way - demonstrate your knowledge of the class material, we will consider giving you up to 1.5 percent extra credit overall, which might help you in case you end up close to a grade boundary. The TAs might not respond right away to give the students in class a chance to respond first.) If you need additional help, please feel free to go by the TAs during their office hours. The TAs are experienced and will be able to answer all of your questions, including about the textbook, lectures, projects and assignments.


To help you prepare for the exams, we will post 'text-book style' homework assignments and their solutions. We will not collect or grade your solutions. However, solving these assignments before looking at the solutions is important as it will ensure your understanding of the material in preparation for the exams. Assignments are made available on Wednesday nights (covering the material taught in the current week), and sample solutions will be made available on Sundays. You can discuss the assignments freely with your co-students. In fact, we encourage you to form study groups to discuss the assignments and come up with solutions.


The exercise session on Tuesday will allow you to practice the application of the material taught in the lectures via a mix of the TAs answering your questions, you solving assignment-type problems in small student groups, and the TAs discussing projects, assignments, and their solutions. The exercises will typically be 50 minutes long but please note that the midterm will be written during the exercise session as well and be 110 minutes long. There will be no exercise session during the first week of classes.


There will be three graded two-week projects, all of which are mandatory. Most or all of the projects will involve some programming problems in C/C++ in addition to more theoretical questions. All of them have to be done individually. You are required to cite all resources you relied on for coming up with your answers. This includes people, web pages, publications and other write-ups. You are not allowed to use code or code snippets of others (that is, that you did not write yourself), unless we provided them with the projects. You are not allowed to discuss with others how to solve the projects.

Please start to work on your projects early and hand them in early. There is a grace period of 24 hours and then a linearly increasing penalty for late submissions so that submissions that are late by 96 hours (or more) after the original deadline will receive no credit. So, for example, if a project is due on Thursday at midnight, and a) you hand it in on Friday at midnight, you maximum score is 100 percent; b) you hand it in on Saturday at midnight, your maximum score is 66.66 percent; c) you hand it in on Sunday at midnight, your maximum score is 33.33 percent; and c) you hand it in on Monday at midnight, you will receive no credit for it.


There will be one midterm and one final, all of which are mandatory. The exams have to be solved individually in class. The midterm will be written during the exercise session. The dates are listed in the schedule. We will determine during the first week of classes when the final will be written. No makeups will be given. The exams will be open textbook ('Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach' only) and open printed or hand-written (but not electronic) notes (including, but not limited to, all material posted on this wiki). All exams will be comprehensive but with a focus on material not yet tested in a previous exam. Bring a calculator and your USC ID to all exams. Using computers, cell phones or similar equipment is not allowed, not even to access electronic versions of the textbook. Exams written in pencil receive a zero score.

Attendance Requirement and Excuses

The department is conducting an experiment this semester to determine whether an attendance requirement affects student performance. There is an attendance requirement for all students, which will be lifted for some students on September 10. It will not be known before September 10 which students will have an attendance requirement afterward. The attendance requirement means that you will need to attend the lectures (for the section that you are registered for) as well as the exercises, so please ensure that you are available during these times.

If you are a student with an attendance requirement, we allow you to miss up to 5 meetings (lectures or exercises) without an excuse. We require excuses for all longer absences of 3 consecutive meetings or more as well as absences from exams. We subtract 5 percent from your total score for every absence without valid excuse beyond the 5 meeting allotment.

Even if you are not a student with an attendance requirement, we require excuses for absences from exams.

We will not accept excuses unless you provide us with a note from a doctor (or similar professional) that verifies the problem and you told us about the issue IMMEDIATELY WHEN IT AROSE (not: after it has already affected your performance in class). For example, you will need to let us know about an illness when it develops, not a couple of days before an exam when you suddenly notice that you lost so much time that you can no longer catch up with the rest of the class. We accept only true emergencies as excuses, such as your sickness or a death in your immediate family.

We are sorry that we cannot make exceptions to these rules. So, please do not ask for them.

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We will not grade on a curve. Projects and exams have the following weights: Spongebob full episodes download free.

  • Project 1: 10%
  • Project 2: 10%
  • Project 3: 10%
  • Midterm: 35%
  • Final: 35%

The intended grading scale is as follows.

  • 95% - 100%: A+ (only in spirit; USC allows only for an A)
  • 90% - 95%: A
  • 85% - 90%: A-
  • 80% - 85%: B+
  • 75% - 80%: B
  • 70% - 75%: B-
  • 65% - 70%: C+
  • 60% - 65%: C
  • 55% - 60%: C-
  • 50% - 55%: D+
  • 45% - 50%: D
  • 40% - 45%: D-
  • 00% - 40%: F

The instructor reserves the right to adjust the grading scale.

The instructor might give students a bonus of up to 1.5 percent for frequently helping other students on the discussion forum.

The instructor will assign grades from A to F, if warranted. There will always be some students who are very close to grade boundaries. There is nothing that we will do about that. Grades are based on performance, not need or personal circumstances, and the instructor does not negotiate grades. Thus, do not take CS360 (or take it completely at your own risk) if you need a certain grade, for example, because you are graduating or because you have been conditionally admitted.

CS360 is very exam-heavy, and we do not expect extra-credit tasks to be available. To receive a good grade, you will therefore need to perform well in exams. Please check the correctness of the grading and the posted scores immediately after we announce the availability of the scores. You will need to let us know about any grading issue with an exam, project or similar within 7 days of us posting the score for that exam or project. After that time, we will no longer entertain your requests for changes to your score. If you have a grading issue, you will need to discuss the issue first with the TAs. If you cannot reach consensus, you can appeal the grading issue to the instructor. Both the TAs and the instructor might check the exam or project completely for grading issues and adjust your score up or down as appropriate.

We typically try to write the midterm before Drop Deadline 2 but, due to the distribution of the Jewish holidays, this was unfortunately not possible this time.

Academic Integrity

USC seeks to maintain an optimal learning environment. General principles of academic honesty include the concept of respect for the intellectual property of others, the expectation that individual work will be submitted unless otherwise allowed by an instructor, and the obligations both to protect one's own academic work from misuse by others as well as to avoid using another's work as one's own. All students are expected to understand and abide by these principles. We will strictly enforce the student conduct code and refer students to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards for further review, should there be any suspicion of academic dishonesty, and suggest that they follow the recommended sanctions in case they should find that there was academic dishonesty. We typically suggest an F as overall class grade as penalty, if asked. Scampus, the Student Guidebook, contains the student conduct code and the academic review process:

Recommendation Letters

Unfortunately, Sven currently does not write recommendation letters for students in his current or previous classes due to the insufficient administrative support provided by the department and the large class sizes of his current classes.

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Problems and Concerns

At some point, you will have questions. For example, you might not be able to get code to run that we provided, there is something in the textbook that you do not understand, and so on. In this case, we encourage you to post the question on the discussion forum and see whether someone can help you. If this approach does not generate the desired result, then the TAs will be happy to help you in person. They do answer email but, unfortunately, often will not manage to answer it on the same day. (Sometimes, they will be out of town and it will take them even longer. Also, they are typically overloaded with questions on exam days or directly before.)

It is very important to us that you voice your concerns about any aspect of the class as soon as they arise. Please send an e-mail to the instructor or talk to us in person. We will accept anonymous notes (either on paper or via email from any free 'on-the-fly' email account) and treat them seriously, as long as they are sincere and constructive. Your comments will have an effect on the class, so please do not hesitate to provide them.

Artificial Intelligence is a fun topic, and we hope that all of us will have lots of fun!

Sven (yes, please feel free to call the instructor by his name) and the TAs

P.S.: As you might guess from the lengthy rules above, Sven is of German origin. His first name, though, is Scandinavian and means 'young person' or 'warrior.'

This entry was posted on 5/26/2019.