Dolby Digital 5.1 Test


I recently upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7.


Can anyone help. I know that my home DVD player can play DVD VOB files burnt to CDRW as i have played Dolby Digital trailers in the past. What i would like to get my hands on is a VOB file with DD5.1 sound that tests out the audio, e.g. A voice that says 'Front Left', 'Front Right', 'Surround Left' etc with the voice coming out of the apropriate speaker. Test Dolby Digital Pro Logic II HD 5.1 Playing next. 5.1 Dolby Surround Test 1:24. Dolby Digital.

Upon doing so my 5.1 surround sound home theater system is no longer working. It is a Samsung CT-5550 Home Theater System.

I am using an Optical cable from my Home Theater system into the back of the motherboard.

I have installed Realtek's Windows 10 driver, Gigabytes Windows 10 driver, the driver that came with my motherboard, that previous worked on Windows 7 and fiddled with all manner of settings between all of them and nothing. It is not working.

When I set the output to 5.1 and run a test, it tells me Test Tone failure.

The highest output I can get is 2.1 channel @ 48hz. I can get 2.1 @ 92khz but it's spotty. The curious thing is, when I test the Encoded option for Dolby, it works. I can hear it out of all speakers.

Please someone, anyone, fix this for me.

For reference, here is what I'm looking at.

This is my speaker system.

When I test the Encoded Format Dolby Digital, the test runs through all the speakers and I can hear the tones.

Dolby Digital Plus is listed as 'On' but for some reason did not show in screenshot.

This is what I get once I set both Realtek control panel and default format to both 5.1 channel surround sound and run a test.

All is set as it should be, it's just not working.

Posted by3 years ago

Why is there a 5.1/7.1 Dolby Digital test on YouTube when for a standard setup is 2-Channel stereo?

YouTube has test videos like THIS one for testing your surround. My setup is as follows:

  • HTPC running Windows 7 with S/PDIF out for sound and HDMI for video directly to my TV

  • Pioneer Eliete AV receiver to process my sound.

  • Kodi (XBMC) to handle my local media

When I play my media I have it all set to code it to Dolby Digital this includes upmixing 2 channel stereo. But unless I am running it via Kodi I get all Stereo. Even when running Netflix. It is my understanding that Netflix cannot run 5.1 audio it claims to have when using your browser because Silverlight does not support it. So I assume it will be the same when streaming any video through a browser like YouTube, the videos cannot play it in true Dolby Digital, only Stereo.

Is there something I am missing, is it possible to have play the YouTube video I linked in Dolby Digital?

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This entry was posted on 4/27/2019.