Because The Internet Screenplay


Because the Internet was supported by four singles: '3005', 'Crawl', 'Sweatpants' and 'Telegraph Ave.' Gambino also released a short film titled Clapping for the Wrong Reasons and a 72-page screenplay to go along with the album in promotion of it. Because The Internet's screenplay accompanied with the appropriate gifs and songs. This is fan-made and is not monetized in any way. If you like it, support.

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The Boy wakes up. He's in a gown. His eyes feel heavy. The TV is on in his room. 'Golden Girls' to be specific. One of the ladies just said something funny cause there's a lot of laughter
Sitcom laughs always freaked him out. Because most of those people are dead. Those are ghost laughs. Laughs that are supposed to be gone forever linger on earth after every mid 90s joke about teenage sex or someone saying 'don't go there'. Looking for their mouths, never finding them because they're gone. The laughs don't feel good because they're dead laughs. Those laughs aren't what they stood for anymore. They've been reappropriated. Now they're just sounds monkey descendants make when amused to cue other monkey descendants when to make the sounds at home eyes feel heavy

A nurse comes in

WHITE GUY NURSE: Hello Mr.[EDIT]. How are you feeling?
THE BOY: Like I'm about to get talked to by someone about- (gestures) All this

Nurse gives a 'yep' look


WHITE GUY NURSE: You're friends brought you in-
THE BOY: They're not my friends
WHITE GUY NURSE: I don't think they'd like you saying that
THE BOY: Doesn't matter. It's the truth. But also, they know. We're not friends. There's a mutual benefit to our relationship, but I can't trust them for shit
WHITE GUY NURSE: Then why save you?
THE BOY: Cause their lives are far easier with me around. It's survival
WHITE GUY NURSE: I think you should talk to someone
THE BOY: We're talking
WHITE GUY NURSE: A professional
THE BOY: Why? You don't care. You're not gonna make sure I do. (then) Our lives aren't precious, man

Silence. The Nurse begins to clean up

THE BOY: I was trying to be
WHITE GUY NURSE: No you weren't. Cause, guess what? It's not hard to do

Nurse leaves

The Boy walks out of the double doors. Steve, Swank, and Fam are sitting there. They look up wearily


THE BOY: I don't wanna talk. Let's just go be awkward and quiet together at Chipotle. Alright?

They all just stare. Swank gets up slowly and walks over

SWANK: Man..we didn't know if we should wait or tell you later, man

The Boy makes a ['WHAT?' EMOJI] face

SWANK (CONT'D): Man..your pops died, man. Got the call

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(hum of a jet engine..)


The Boy lays his head against the plane window, the oil from his hair leaving grease smudges all over the window
His father died in Stockholm. A family member was needed. Didn't realize that they were each other's only family til this very moment. When you lose that, you basically lose most of your memories, at least the accuracy of your own memories
He wanted to be cremated
The Boy didn't really know anyone in Stockholm, but he also didn't want to be in his hotel room with his father for a day. Even if he was just ashes. So he decided to search through his followers for someone from Sweden

Some girl named 'Hello_Pity_' Dm'd him back and they were supposed to meet up after all the whatever he had to do. Her profile bio said she was half french. She looked pretty in her avi: an inverted Hello Kitty. But that really doesn't mean anything at all, especially since her instagram was blocked, which is something he's learned not to trust at all
So he looked through her tweets, figured out a night she went to a club, used one of his dummy profiles and pretended that they'd met at the club that night. She had trouble remembering because, according to her feed, she was 'fuckin turnt, [CRAZY TONGUE OUT EMOJI] lol'. She added this made up dude as a friend on Facebook. Now The Boy could see her pictures
The rest of her pictures confirmed she was indeed pretty
This girl loves Justin Bieber though. New Justin Bieber. The 'fuck you' Bieber. She loves Justin Bieber in the way you love that girl on Maury who's like 'my favorite flavor popsicle is DICK!', which is close to sincere love, but nowhere near it at the same time

The Boy is sitting at a desk, across from a solemn man. An urn sits on the left side of the desk
The man slides it over to The Boy

SOLEMN MAN: I'm sorry for your loss

Silence. Don't you have to ask someone before you cremate their father? I don't know how these things work

SOLEMN MAN (CONT'D): These were found with him

He gives The Boy a large brown paper bag

The Boy vapes on the foot of his bed. He's DMing back and forth with 'Hello_Pity_' whose real name is Alyssa

thegoldmolar: where u at
Hello_Pity_: bar called box. meet u here?
thegoldmolar: yeah
Hello_Pity_: u should meet my boyfriend. he loves you


thegoldmolar: sure
Hello_Pity_: [CRYING LAUGH EMOJI] LOL. Don't worry. It's not like that
thegoldmolar: wdym
Hello_Pity_: [CRAZY TONGUE OUT EMOJI] see u soon

He puts his phone down

There's a buzz going on. Very pretty people walk hand in hand on the street. There are people saying things, giving opinions, feeling interesting. Everyone has a purpose tonight. It's a great time
A couple walk by:

SUPER HANDSOME GUY: Swedish blah blah blah roscoe's wetsuit hahahaha!
SUPER PRETTY GIRL: blah blah, swedish blah blah roscoe's wetsuit!

The Boy walks up to a pink, glowing, but very discreet sign that says 'box'. There's a big bald guy standing outside with no hat. There's steam coming off his head
A girl is standing outside smoking, at least trying to. She can't seem to get the cigarette lit. It's Alyssa

ALYSSA: Ah! It's you

She gives him a kiss on both cheeks

ALYSSA (CONT'D): Fancy meeting you like this, huh?
THE BOY: I don't know what you mean

She puts out her cigarette. After two big puffs

ALYSSA: Let's go
THE BOY: Didn't you want me to meet your boyfriend?
ALYSSA: Who? That guy?

She points to a corner of the building, a few steps from the front. A guy with long blonde hair (her boyfriend?)is making out with a girl in the cold

THE BOY: What am I getting into?
ALYSSA: Nothing. You're getting into nothing

The Boy and Alyssa walk slowly through the streets. It's very cold, so they're the only ones doing that

ALYSSA: What made you DM me?
THE BOY: I don't know anyone here
ALYSSA: Then why are you here?
THE BOY: My dad died. I have to pick him up
THE BOY: Doesn't matter at this point
ALYSSA: I know right? It's always 'how'd he die?' Like if you know all the ways, you'll avoid it. Silly

She shivers

ALYSSA (CONT'D): I don't believe in small talk. What's the longest relationship you've been in?
THE BOY: Five years
ALYSSA: Wow. What happened?
THE BOY: I'm still in it
THE BOY: She does private web shows. We're not together. But it's a relationship, for sure
ALYSSA: I don't get it
THE BOY: I used to watch her online a while back. Then she quit and started doing private shows. Then it just started turning into talking. Mostly
ALYSSA: Wooooaah
ALYSSA: You're paying her to be your girlfriend or friend or whatever
THE BOY: Yes. But most people are paying for friends one way or another
THE BOY: Your boyfriend is making out with another girl right now. You don't really have room to judge
ALYSSA: I trust that I can never trust him. We're clear on that
THE BOY: Then why have him at all?
ALYSSA: Because he's honest. And I like that. He doesn't lie to either of us. That's special to me


The two are sitting on the bed staring at the urn on the table

ALYSSA: So that's your dad
THE BOY: That's my dad. That's what's left of him
ALYSSA: You guys close?
ALYSSA: You wanna talk about it


THE BOY (CONT'D): I'm going to make a drink
ALYSSA: Alright

The Boy gets up and goes into the living room. While he's in there, Alyssa gets up, takes the urn, and walks out of the room. The Boy hears the door slam

THE BOY: Alyssa?


*******[PLAY SONG 'URN' AT THIS POINT]*******

The Boy runs out of the front doors. His breath, clouding in the night. He looks both ways and catches Alyssa turning a corner. He runs to the corner and meets her on the other side

THE BOY: What's going on
ALYSSA: Let's get rid of it. It's just bad for you
THE BOY: You have a TON of nerve judging me and my father's relationship, so much so, you just walk out with his ashes? I feel like what you're doing is against the law, but much like the fact he was cremated before I arrived, I don't know if it's illegal. I'm still pissed though
ALYSSA: We're gonna do this together

The Boy is pissed. He's trying not to blow up

ALYSSA (CONT'D): I had a sister. I did this when she died
THE BOY: Yes. That gives you the right

Alyssa digs in her pocket and pulls out her phone. She turns it on and the background is Alyssa and a girl that looks exactly like her. The Boy takes the phone

THE BOY: I know we agreed that it's dumb to ask since we're all headed that way anyway, but-
ALYSSA: Brain cancer. It was bad


ALYSSA (CONT'D): So crazy

She LOLs. They're still walking this entire time. They stop at the water. They stand there making small clouds for a moment

ALYSSA (CONT'D): You want to say something?

The Boy shrugs

ALYSSA (CONT'D): Alright-

The urn almost tips over the edge. She waits for him. He walks over and takes the urn and just holds it for a moment. Then he kinda hugs it. Laying his head on it, but turning his head so she can't see what he says:

THE BOY (CONT'D, whisper): I'm sorry we're alone


He pours out the ashes. He's gone

ALYSSA: How do you feel? Better?
THE BOY: I feel..the same

Alyssa and The Boy turn around. It's Alyssa's boyfriend

BOYFRIEND: What the fuck, bro?
ALYSSA: Oh, so you now you give a fuck

She pushes him back as he takes swipes at The Boy. The Boy is mildly annoyed. They're all yelling at each other

BOYFRIEND/THE BOY/ALYSSA: You're dead ass-hole!/ Relax, nothing happened/ Would you stop!

The boyfriend breaks free from her

BOYFRIEND: Do you know who the fuck I am?

ALYSSA: Please don't. Please don't do this
THE BOY: Nah, man. I don't know who you are
BOYFRIEND (CONT'D, scream): WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY! (silence) I. Wrote. That. That's my shit. I'm the nigga dressed like a fox. That's all me
THE BOY: What?

The boyfriend starts making the noises a fox makes in the song

ALYSSA (resigned, to The Boy): Like the song and video
THE BOY: I've never heard of it
ALYSSA: I thought you 'were the internet'?
THE BOY: That's a tagline. No one is the actual internet. I just must've missed it when it was popular
BOYFRIEND: Uh, by 'when it was popular' do you mean, uhhh, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW?!
THE BOY: Relax
BOYFRIEND: Two hundred and twenty million views on Youtube. Two hundred and twenty million. That's most of the earth
THE BOY: Not true
BOYFRIEND: An African village wrote to me-
THE BOY: The whole village did?
BOYFRIEND: -and told me that my song taught them about foxes. They don't have foxes there. I introduced the idea of a fox to an entire continent..(then) And you wanna fuck my girl?


THE BOY: I do not wanna fuck your girl. I don't want to be here. I am going home now

The Boy walks away. Alyssa and her boyfriend start a boring argument in the cold as he disappears

Fam, another girl, and The Boy sit in a booth at the restaurant. Fam and the girl are talking. The Boy is silent. Don't know if he's just bored or jet lagged from Sweden. Either way he's bumming everyone out

ANOTHER GIRL: My friend should be here soon

The Boy doesn't say anything. Fam and the girl look on
A girl walks up to the table. The Boy looks up. It's the girl from the party


The Boy doesn't say anything

ANOTHER GIRL: This is Naomi. (then) Hello?
FAM: He's dumb. You should just sit and ignore him

She sits down

NAOMI: You're the guy that almost hit my arm
NAOMI: You guys order?
THE BOY: No. I hate vegan. I think she's making us eat here
NAOMI: I'm the vegan. I asked to eat here


THE BOY: I hate vegan
NAOMI (saying it dumb): Duhh, 'I hate vegan'

In his head, he was lol-ing. In real life, he just kinda looked down

NAOMI (CONT'D): What's the deal. Why you always act like your parents died

The Boy smirks

THE BOY: They did

Awkward. Silence

ANOTHER GIRL: I'm so sorry

Fam and The Boy stare at each other for a moment. Then laugh. Another Girl and Naomi do not

FAM (to The Boy): Your parents are dead, man
THE BOY: My parents are dead yo

They slowly stop laughing. Naomi thinks The Boy is weird. But she doesn't run

Fam and Another Girl are sitting on the swings smoking and talking about something they will never remember and don't really care about
Naomi and The Boy sit in the living room

NAOMI: What did he do?
THE BOY: I don't know
NAOMI: How'd he afford all this?
THE BOY: I don't know
NAOMI: Then how can you afford all this? He leave you a lot?
THE BOY: Creditors were after him. I don't know if he had anything left. I'm not concerned. (serious) I'm gonna sell drugs

Naomi LMAOs

NAOMI: Whaaaaaat
THE BOY: Fam can hook me up. I've been watching him for a minute. He runs out of here already
NAOMI: I don't think you need me to tell you you're an awful dealer
THE BOY: How would you even know?
NAOMI: You make everything feel awkward. You can't connect with anyone. How is anyone supposed to feel like they can trust you?
THE BOY: Yeah, that's what drug dealers are known for. Their comfort
NAOMI: They are, dumb-ass. You gotta know how people work. You're only good with people online

He slowly turns to her. 'how does she know that?'

NAOMI (CONT'D): I looked you up
THE BOY: After the party or just now
NAOMI: Just now. I'm a writer too
THE BOY: Oh really
NAOMI: Yup. And I know I'm good cause people keep stealing my shit

She hits the vape

NAOMI (CONT'D): I tweeted this. (holds up her phone) Is that not my poem verbatim? I posted them together. This nigga just rapped this like it was his
THE BOY (looking at her phone): Your first mistake is being a poet past the year 1974, by the way
NAOMI: That's how good my shit is. I'm bringing the whole form back
THE BOY: You're cocky when you're high
NAOMI: No. I'm talkative when I'm high. I'm cocky all the time, but I'm silent for most of you

He looks up. She lifts an eyebrow. He doesn't smile. She goes cross-eyed. No response. She stops, then sighs

NAOMI (CONT'D): You ever think we're in hell? This is all hell. Living on earth and being the only ones aware that it's all ending slowly


NAOMI: I read something that said more than likely we all just do this all again. It's all a cycle
THE BOY: I like that theory
NAOMI: Yeah. (then) See? You're not such a lonely boy

She LOLs and mushes his face with her hand. The Boy smh, but smiles

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Because the Internet
Studio album by
ReleasedDecember 10, 2013
StudioThe Temple (Los Angeles, California)
GenreHip hop
  • Childish Gambino (also exec.)
  • Fam Udeorji (exec.)
  • Stefan Ponce
Childish Gambino chronology
Because the Internet
STN MTN / Kauai
Singles from Because the Internet
  1. '3005'
    Released: October 22, 2013
  2. 'Crawl'
    Released: February 7, 2014
  3. 'Sweatpants'
    Released: June 9, 2014
  4. 'Telegraph Ave.'
    Released: August 19, 2014

Because the Internet is the second studio album by American recording artist Donald Glover, under the stage name Childish Gambino. It was released on December 10, 2013, by Glassnote Records and Island Records. The recording process began in 2012 and ended in October 2013. Recording primarily took place at a mansion owned by basketball player Chris Bosh, which Gambino rented. The album features guest appearances from Chance the Rapper, Jhené Aiko and Azealia Banks, with production primarily handled by Gambino himself, Stefan Ponce and Ludwig Göransson, among others.

Because the Internet was supported by four singles: '3005', 'Crawl', 'Sweatpants' and 'Telegraph Ave.'. Gambino also released a short film titled Clapping for the Wrong Reasons and a 72-page screenplay to go along with the album in promotion of it.

The album received generally positive reviews from critics. It also performed well commercially, debuting at number seven on the US Billboard 200 and number twelve on the Canadian Albums Chart. The album received a Grammy nomination for Best Rap Album. It was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in February 2016. As of November 2016, the album has sold 992,000 album-equivalent units in the United States.

  • 5Critical reception
  • 9Charts


Under his Childish Gambino name, Donald Glover was the primary songwriter, performer, and producer of the album.

In July 2013, Gambino signed on to create a music-themed show for FX titled Atlanta, a series which premiered on September 6, 2016, and which he stars in, writes, and executive produces. Consequently, he decided to reduce his work for NBC, and only appeared in five episodes of Community's 13-episode fifth season. His role was reduced in order to work more on his music career.[1][2][3][4]

On October 4, 2013, Gambino announced on Twitter that his second studio album was completed.[5] He further revealed details at Homecoming Week at Penn State on October 7, stating that 'I got a new album coming out soon, so this is the last time we're gonna play a lot of this shit.'[6] The same day, he premiered a new song titled 'Yaphet Kotto'.[7]

On October 8, 2013, Gambino released a teaser video for the album, which he announced as being titled Because the Internet and that it would be released in December 2013.[8] Gambino told MTV that singer Beck gave him the idea for the album title.[9] He explained the title, saying: 'Because the internet I'm here, because of the internet we're all here. It's the language of earth. Everyone keeps saying by this or that year, Mandarin or Spanish will be the most dominant language, but the internet is already a language we are all connected to; even my dad can understand the meme format. But the thing is, there are no rules, which is also the awesome thing.'[10]

After the release date announcement, Gambino stated he was upset since Glassnote Records wanted to push back its release to 2014, which he said was because 'it's not a holiday record and I'm not a big artist'.[11] He responded to this, saying: 'If it wasn't gonna be released then, I was gonna release it myself. What's the point of waiting? I feel like that's the only time people would be able to listen to it. December is the perfect time. Albums made a really big impact on me when I was alone and everything was quiet, and I know that's when students go home, that's when everything is closed, so it's a good time to just listen to something and be yourself.'[9] On October 21, he announced a release date of December 10, 2013, for the album.[12][13]

The cover is an animated .GIF of Gambino staring at the viewer, which quickly fuzzes out after a few seconds (with strong brush-like strokes blurring his features to the point where he is unrecognizable) as if it had jumped at the viewer, in a process similar to zooming in. The .GIF format is a reference to the Internet, which made it popular and frequent.[14] The physical version of the album functions with lenticular printing to mimic the animation effect.[15]

Recording and production[edit]

Rapper Azealia Banks made an appearance on the album track 'Earth: The Oldest Computer (The Last Night)'.

On November 4, 2012, producer Ludwig Göransson said in an interview, he and Gambino were in his studio coming up with new ideas for Gambino's next album. Göransson said it was to be a bigger album than his debut, Camp, with more people involved.[16] Over the following months, Gambino disappeared from social media, remaining reclusive while recording material for the album.[17] The album was primarily recorded in Miami Heat player Chris Bosh's mansion in Los Angeles, which Gambino dubbed 'The Temple'. There, he kept strict rules, which included 'no tweeting or instagramming', 'no shoes', and 'work begins at 10 am'.[9][18] In October 2013, he revealed that he had collaborated with Kid Cudi on a song, but the song would not be featured on the album.[18][19] In October 2013, during a Toronto listening session, Gambino revealed Jhené Aiko as one of the album's guest appearances.[20] He also collaborated with American rappers Chance the Rapper and Azealia Banks on the album.[21]


On January 11, 2012, Gambino announced he would be releasing a new mixtape soon.[22] The mixtape Royalty was released on July 4, 2012, to positive critical reception.[23][24][25] The mixtape featured guest appearances by Nipsey Hussle, Schoolboy Q, Ab-Soul, Danny Brown, Tina Fey, Chance the Rapper, Beck, Ghostface Killah and RZA, among others.[23][26]

On July 23, 2013, Gambino released a promotional single named 'Centipede'.[27] The song opens with Gambino singing a cappella before 'giving way to a spacey beat built around a chunky piano riff' and Gambino's confident rap delivery.[28] The outro of 'Centipede' samples a part from an online mini-documentary about and featuring Charles Hamilton, titled 'Behind the Lava Lamp.'[29] On August 15, 2013, Gambino released a short film titled Clapping for the Wrong Reasons. In the film Gambino previews new music and it features cameo appearances by producer Flying Lotus, actor Danielle Fishel, porn star Abella Anderson, and fellow rappers Trinidad James and Chance the Rapper.[30][31]

On October 25, 2013, in an interview with Power 105, Gambino stated he wanted to have a 'dope roll out' for the album, which he said would also include a film.[32] Later that week, he told XXL that the album would also come with a screenplay.[33] On December 6, 2013, Gambino released a 72-page screenplay designed to sync up with the album. It was revealed on the website[34] The screenplay, which is light on dialogue and involves stage directions that are written out Internet-speak and emojis, was accompanied by short, silent clips from Clapping for the Wrong Reasons, and songs from the album were included to be played as the story unfolds. The central character, The Boy, lives in a mansion and spends his days tweeting at celebrities and posting videos to WorldStarHipHop. Everywhere The Boy goes, he sees the words 'Roscoe's Wetsuit.' Eventually, he's forced to sell drugs.[35] Gambino prefaces the screenplay with a notice indicating that Clapping for the Wrong Reasons is considered a prelude, intending it to be viewed before reading the screenplay.[34]

On January 7, 2014, Gambino used a video chat with Abella Anderson to announce The Deep Web tour. The tour featured 22 concerts and ran from February 27, through May 3, 2014.[36]


On October 21, 2013, Gambino released '3005', the album's first official single.[37][38] The following day it was released for digital download on iTunes.[39] The introspective song was produced by Gambino himself, along with Stefan Ponce and Ludwig Göransson.[40] On November 15, 2013, the song's lyric video was premiered on Vevo.[41] The music video was released on December 6, 2013.[42]

On February 7, 2014, one of the album's promotional singles 'Crawl', was serviced to urban contemporary radio in the United Kingdom as the album's second official single.[43]

On November 25, 2013, 'Sweatpants' which features ad-libs from rapper Problem was leaked online, which Gambino responded unfavorably to.[44] Shortly after, it was made available to those who pre-order the album on iTunes, as the album's first promotional single.[45] The music video for 'Sweatpants' was released on April 14, 2014, which concludes with a dream sequence for 'Urn'.[46] 'Sweatpants' would later be serviced to urban contemporary radio in the UK as the album's third official single on June 9, 2014.[47]

On August 19, 2014, the song 'Telegraph Ave.', was serviced to rhythmic contemporary radio in the United States as the album's fourth single.[48]

Critical reception[edit]

Professional ratings
Aggregate scores
Review scores
The A.V. ClubB−[52]
Entertainment WeeklyB−[53]
The Guardian[54]
Los Angeles Times[55]
Rolling Stone[58]

Because the Internet received generally positive reviews from critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream publications, the album received an average score of 64, based on 26 reviews.[50] Writing for The Boston Globe, Franklin Soults said, 'Love Donald Glover or hate him, this writer/actor/comedian/rapper unquestionably ranks among America's most accomplished performers. [..] The production is as rich as the raps, spanning pop, underground R&B, club music, and psychedelic experimentation. The project is further heightened by Glover's knowing irony, his gift for hooks, and his visionary theme. Without making it a burdensome concept to explain and belabor, the Internet figures prominently throughout the disc in ways empowering and emasculating.'[61] Killian Fox, writing for The Observer, said, 'Glover reflects on some unsettling phenomena of our internet-addled age, such as the 3D printing of guns – and his restless delivery is matched by jerky, off-kilter production. The results are intriguing, occasionally frustrating, rarely boring.'[62] Jabbari Weekes of Exclaim! said, 'Because the Internet is a vast improvement over his debut effort, showcasing an artist who has confidently found a way to coalesce his love for music and films into one hybrid effort.'[63] Christian Lee of HipHopDX said, 'He raps because, well, he can. Most of all, in his ambitious second album Because The Internet, he raps as if to pass the time. Anxious introverts may recognize what Childish Gambino does here, repeatedly: flit around, try to be sociable, but then flee. Childish Gambino still manages to mostly hold our attention, though, because he concerns himself instead with his own terms.'[64] David Jeffries of AllMusic said, 'Connecting with the album is nearly impossible, understanding it is difficult, and often enough, its inflated ego is irksome, but Because the Internet is too free and fascinating to be dragged down by these complaints, so if a Yeezus with more flash and fun is what's required, Gambino's got the good stuff.'[51]

Perry Kostidakis of the FSView & Florida Flambeau wrote, 'From a purely musical standpoint, Because the Internet finds itself in contention for best rap album of 2013. Produced almost solely by Gambino (with help from Community composer Ludwig Goransson), it seems as if BTI is the first rap album this year that is completely confident in what it is.'[65] Lizzie Plaugic of CMJ stated in a mixed review, 'Because The Internet is not easily dismissible, because it's so self-awarely annoying. It trips over its own feet hoping the cool kids will roll their eyes at it, because behind those eye rolls is a jealousy that Gambino can fall with such nonchalance. Even though Because The Internet is kind of strange and kind of a bummer, it does show Glover's range as a musician.'[66] Craig Jenkins of Pitchfork stated, 'With Gambino's wordplay ping-ponging from caustic wit to message board snark, the enduring strength of the album is its production. Gambino and Göransson handle the bulk of it here alongside usual suspect Stefan Ponce and alley oops from twin act Christian Rich and Flying Lotus associate Thundercat. Because the Internet's production team not only ensures the sounds are pretty, spacey, and jarring in all the right places, but they also effortlessly nail the album's Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz synchronicity gambit.'[56]

Dom Sinacola of Slant Magazine said, 'More than that, it furthers the general message of the whole album, which is that for all his posturing and charm, Glover may not have it in him to participate in the kind of bacchanalia required of his position as a young, burgeoning, multi-talented rap star. Halfway between throwaway wordplay and trenchant comment about fame, the lyric says a lot about where Glover's head is at: As a former sketch comedian, writer on 30 Rock, and star of the sitcom Community, he leans on his wit as his most formidable weapon.'[67] Philip Cosores of Consequence of Sound stated, 'Yes, the dedication that Glover has seemingly displayed in the project is admirable. But he just doesn't seem to get music on this album. Maybe it's because of his taste, or because he is trying too hard to stand out, or because of his hubris, or because he has lost touch with reality, or maybe it is because of the internet.'[68] Phillip Mlynar of Spin said, 'The only reaction that Because the Internet elicits is the uncontrollable urge to skip to the next song, in hopes that things couldn't possibly get any sloppier. But they do, beginning with the cod-wailing that blights 'Crawl' and volleying with the psychedelic muzak of 'The Worst Guys' (co-starring Chance the Rapper) and 'Zealots of Stockholm (Free Information),' which sounds like Glover has inadvertently locked himself in his practice space and is attempting to muster up a loud enough mess so that some kindly passerby will hear his cries for help. As the album collapses into itself with the closing cut, 'Life: The Biggest Troll (Andrew Auernheimer),' we're resigned to existence as a gloopy mess of random thoughts. 'Where's the line between Donny G and Gambino?' the rapper muses, but it's unclear whether this is meant as a genuine identity crisis or an all-knowing middle finger to critics. Maybe the entire album is a meme itself, a grand existential joke critiquing the all-conquering rise of Internet culture by parodying its overwhelming randomness. Whatever it is, though, it's a bad rap record.'[59]


It was named the tenth best album of 2013 by Complex. They commented saying, 'Because The Internet is unlike any other rap album this year. Musically, it's as ambitious as something Kanye might do. [..] It only leaked last week, but it's some of the most engaging, rewarding music we've heard all year.'[69]XXL ranked it at number 15 on their list of best albums of 2013. They elaborated saying, 'One of the most creative albums of the year, actor/rapper Childish Gambino meshes both his talents together for a very innovate and impressive album. He ditches the goofy-comedic rap lyrics with introspective bars that tell a story about a boy who is trying to find himself in life. [..] The music itself is really polished and well-produced, showcasing his growth lyrically and musically as he frequently sings on records.'[70]

The album was nominated for Best Rap Album at the 2015 Grammy Awards.[71]

Commercial performance[edit]

Because the Internet debuted at number seven on the US Billboard 200, with first-week sales of 96,000 copies in the United States.[72] This would be an 84% increase in first week sales in his home country, compared to his debut album Camp.[73] In its second week, the album dropped to number 25, selling 28,000 more copies.[74] In its third week, the album rose to number 20 selling 33,000 more copies in the United States.[75] In its fourth week, the album moved up to number 18 on the chart, selling 16,000 more copies in the United States.[76] Due to Record Store Day, the week ending April 20, 2014, the album peaked at number one on the US Top Vinyl LPs, selling 3,000 vinyl copies.[77] On February 18, 2016, Because the Internet was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for sales of over 500,000 copies.[78] As of November 2016, the album has sold 992,000 album-equivalent units in the United States, with pure album sales of 525,000, and on-demand audio and video streams that totaled 1.1 billion.[79][80]

Track listing[edit]

1.'The Library (Intro)'Donald GloverGlover0:04
2.'I. Crawl'
  • Glover
3.'II. Worldstar'
  • Glover
4.'Dial Up'GloverGlover0:44
5.'I. The Worst Guys' (featuring Chance the Rapper)
  • Glover
  • Göransson
6.'II. Shadows'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
  • K. Muhammad
7.'III. Telegraph Ave. ('Oakland' by Lloyd)'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
  • Rochelle Jordan
8.'IV. Sweatpants'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
9.'V. 3005'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
  • Stefan Ponce
10.'Playing Around Before the Party Starts'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
11.'I. The Party'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
12.'II. No Exit'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
13.'Death by Numbers'GloverGlover0:43
14.'I. Flight of the Navigator'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
15.'II. Zealots of Stockholm (Free Information)'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
  • Sam Spiegel[a]
16.'III. Urn'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
17.'I. Pink Toes' (featuring Jhené Aiko)
  • Glover
  • Göransson
  • Ponce
18.'II. Earth: The Oldest Computer (The Last Night)' (featuring Azealia Banks)
  • Glover
  • Göransson
19.'III. Life: The Biggest Troll (Andrew Auernheimer)'
  • Glover
  • Göransson
Total length:57:52


  • ^[a] signifies an additional producer
  • 'I. Crawl' features additional vocals from Kai and background vocals from Mystikal
  • 'II. Worldstar' features additional vocals from Steve G. Lover, and background vocals from Lover and Swank
  • 'III. Telegraph Ave. ('Oakland by Lloyd')' features additional vocals by Rochelle Jordan, Yesi Ortiz and Lloyd
  • 'IV. Sweatpants' features additional vocals from Problem[81]
  • 'V. 3005' is known as simply '3005' on the iTunes version of the album
  • 'II. No Exit' features additional vocals from Miguel
  • 'II. Zealots of Stockholm (Free Information)' features background vocals from Kilo Kish
  • 'I. Pink Toes' features background vocals from Thundercat


Album credits adapted from AllMusic.[82]

  • Jhené Aiko – featured artist
  • Erik Arvinder – strings
  • Chris Athens – mastering
  • Azealia Banks – featured artist
  • Chance the Rapper – featured artist
  • Childish Gambino – creative director, executive producer, producer, primary artist
  • Andrew Dawson – mixing
  • Autumn de Wilde – photography
  • Doc Allison – cello
  • Jens Filipsson – alto sax
  • Ludwig Göransson – guitar, producer
  • Chris Hartz – drums
  • Rochelle Jordan – background vocals
  • Kilo Kish – vocals
  • Pop Levi – producer
  • Steve G. Lover – vocals
  • Riley Mackin – engineer
  • Jason Martin – vocals
  • Miguel – vocals
  • Mystikal – background vocals
  • Edvin Nahlin – fender rhodes
  • Yesi Ortiz – vocals
  • Stefan Ponce – drum programming, producer
  • Christian Rich – producer
  • Ruben Rivera – engineer
  • Brian Roettinger – art direction, creative director
  • Sam Spiegel – additional production
  • Swank – background vocals
  • S-X – drum programming
  • Thundercat – bass, producer, background vocals
  • Fam Udeorji – creative director, executive producer


Weekly charts[edit]

Chart (2013–14)Peak
Australian Albums (ARIA)[83]37
Australian Urban Albums (ARIA)[84]3
Canadian Albums (Billboard)[85]12
UK Albums (OCC)[86]107
UK R&B Albums (OCC)[87]6
US Billboard 200[88]7
US Independent Albums (Billboard)[89]2
US Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums (Billboard)[90]3
US Top Rap Albums (Billboard)[91]1

Year-end charts[edit]

Chart (2013)Position
Australian Urban Albums (ARIA)[92]50
Chart (2014)Position
US Billboard 200[93]45
US Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums[94]11
US Top Rap Albums[95]5
US Top Independent Albums[96]6


RegionCertificationCertified units/Sales
Canada (Music Canada)[97]Platinum80,000^
United Kingdom (BPI)[98]Silver60,000^
United States (RIAA)[78]Gold500,000

*sales figures based on certification alone
^shipments figures based on certification alone
sales+streaming figures based on certification alone

Release history[edit]

United StatesDecember 10, 2013[99]


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